Sunday, November 30, 2008

Two Questions Nobody Asked McCain and His Mistakes

I watched part of McCain's appearance on Jay Leno. Gosh we certainly dudged a bullet there.

McCain's choice of Palin was a political stunt. He selected someone that was a George Bush in skirts. The question nobody asked McCain was:
Is this the best the Republican Party can do?
Better than governor or Folorida?
Tom Ridge?
or even the Governor of Lousiana?

Of course not. But it was a good political stunt.

But this was not the first time McCain out smarted himself. The angry hero set aside his convictions and prostituted himself to the right wing, after loosing the 2000 primaries. He embraced the anti-choice, the religious "agents of intolerance", and the crazy right wing ne0-cons.

The tragedy is that, after the 2000 election McCain considered and was indeed courted by the democrats to change parties. But after months of discussions he decided to sell his values and go the George Bush's route.

Had he chosen otherwise, he would have been adored by the middle, the conservative democrats, and the middle of the road conservatives and independents. He would have less baggage than Hillary Clinton, and more experience than Obama and he was sure win for the democratic candidate. He would run against Romney -- who would not be accepted by the 90% of the country just for being a Mormon.

He sold his soul, and he paid the price. I for one am glad we don't have to deal with him.

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